
Saarbrücken (dpa / lrs) - After massive violations of the Corona rules last weekend, the police once again stepped up their controls in Saarbrücken on Saturday night.

Above all, attention was paid to compliance with the new Infection Protection Act, said the state police headquarters on Saturday.

Gross disregard was not reported from the state capital.

Even the St. Johann market remained empty according to the information.

A week earlier, almost 500 people had celebrated there and pelted officials with bottles.

"From the point of view of the police, the first nationwide controls this weekend were largely quiet," said a spokesman for the authority.

The few violations showed that the majority “of the population adheres to the new Corona rules”.

It was only a fight had been stopped.

The federal government's new Corona emergency brake prescribes uniform nationwide rules and has been in effect in Saarland since Saturday.

Among other things, it provides for exit restrictions from midnight to 5 a.m.

As a rule, people should no longer leave their own apartment after 10 p.m., but walking or jogging alone is allowed until midnight.


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Police report