
Wernigerode (dpa / sa) - After the premature end of the Corona model projects for the catering and hotel industry in the Harz and Mansfeld-Südharz, the operators draw a positive balance.

The opening had a lot of positive effects, said cafe owner Michael Wiecker from Wernigerode.

The people felt a touch of normality with coffee and cake again, the employees got back on board and the company brought in at least part of the lost sales.

The hotel operator Clemens Ritter von Kempski enthused that the openings were a blueprint for unbureaucratic, targeted and trusting cooperation with the Prime Minister, the Minister of Economics, the district and the company. “We got 120 people out of short-time work. The work was almost euphoric. " Despite restrictions such as wearing FFP2 masks in public areas, the guests were also full of gratitude after a long period of deprivation.

The ministry had approved the opening of two hotels in the Mansfeld-Südharz district between April 16 and May 14;

and the opening of outdoor areas at selected restaurateurs in the Harz region from April 9th ​​to 30th.

The nationwide corona brake now leaves no room for maneuver, the State Chancellery recently said - the projects would be discontinued on Saturday.


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