
Koblenz (dpa / lrs) - The Rhineland-Palatinate AfD parliamentary group failed with an urgent application against the state's corona rules before the Constitutional Court (VGH) in Koblenz.

The parliamentary group had turned against the nightly exit restrictions of the state's 18th Corona Control Ordinance, as the VGH Rhineland-Palatinate announced on Friday.

In view of the constitutionally anchored mandate to protect life and limb, the reasons that speak against a provisional lifting of the exit restrictions predominate, the court declared (case no.

It pointed out that Rhineland-Palatinate had meanwhile adapted its pandemic rules to the new federal emergency brake anyway.

The 19th Corona Control Ordinance for the country should come into force this Saturday.

The nightly exit restrictions that will then apply in Rhineland-Palatinate will in future apply from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. instead of 9 p.m.

Movement in the fresh air is now allowed until midnight alone, unaccompanied.

Regardless of their urgent application, the AfD parliamentary group had previously appealed to the VGH with a norms control application against the entire 18th Corona Control Ordinance of the State of Rhineland-Palatinate, which should now become invalid in favor of its 19th edition.

In this case, the country's highest court has not yet issued a decision.


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