
Saarbrücken (dpa) - The Saarland State Theater was open for just over two weeks as part of the "Saarland Model": Now it has to close again due to the federal emergency brake for districts and cities above an incidence value of 100.

It was “a nightmare”: “We are very disappointed,” said General Director Bodo Busse on Friday.

Since the start of the Corona model project in Saarland, which relied on opening based on tests, there had been six premieres in the theater, with more than 2,200 visitors.

"The individual model projects showed that culture is possible in pandemic times," said Busse.

In the theater in Saarbrücken, with negative corona tests, distances, reduced number of seats and mask requirement, it was also possible during the performances.

It is disappointing that "within the framework of the amendment to the Infection Protection Act, culture is once again taking on such a catastrophic role in federal politics."

Even open air is not possible.

With the federal emergency brake, the Saarland will have to return to lockdown in large parts from this Saturday.

In three out of five counties and in the Saarbrücken regional association, the number of infections per 100,000 inhabitants within seven days for three days in a row is over 100.


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