A large part of the calls that the police in Västerbotten received last weekend were about disturbances from motor-borne youth.

External commander Mattias Hallström was on Saturday evening with and dispersed a group of motorized youths gathered around the gas stations in the south of Skellefteå.

- We have clearly seen that it is a growing problem and the music is getting louder.

There are more cars driving around mainly on the weekends with loud music, he says.


The Building and Environment Committee decided on Thursday on a new attempt to change the local regulations.

Permission from the police to play loud music must be required.

At the beginning of the year, the same decision was made - but it got a lesson from the county administrative board.

Now the board has changed a few words in the letter and believes that it will go through this time.

Then it will be clubbed again in the municipal council.

Lack of legislation

Mattias Hallström welcomes the opportunity to fine those who disturb.

- It has proved difficult with the legislation, there is no one who hits the clock.

Today we reject people who come back, but we would like legislation that addresses the problem, he says.

There may also soon be a new law regarding loud music from vehicles.

The Justice Committee is preparing the issue for a decision in the Riksdag.

- That would be the best thing. But while waiting for that, we will do the best we can, says the building and environment committee's chairman Felicia Lundmark (S).