
Dresden (dpa / sn) - In Saxony, the Abitur exams began under Corona conditions.

The first students wrote their exams in religion on Friday - including at the St. Benno Gymnasium in Dresden.

Catholic religion was on the agenda for 15 candidates.

To keep a distance, people wrote in the cafeteria.

“That worked well,” says headmaster Stefan Schäfer.

When the Abi exams in German and maths are due, the school switches to the gym.

“We have air purifiers that fit more than 100 people.

That shouldn't be a problem, ”said Schäfer.

A total of 10,667 high school graduates will take the exams this year.

In order to compensate for the disadvantages in the Corona crisis, they are given half an hour more time in each of the written exams, and they can also switch to a second appointment.

According to the Ministry of Culture, every high school graduate has to take five exams - three written and two oral.

The oral exams start on May 17th.

However, the schools set the dates themselves.


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