
Schwerin (dpa / mv) - With the meeting of the NSU committee of inquiry today in the state parliament in Schwerin (9.30 a.m.) the taking of evidence is to be ended.

The report of the committee is to be discussed in the state parliament in June, as a state parliament spokesman announced on request.

On Friday, the brother of the murdered Mehmet Turgut is supposed to report on the circumstances of the murder and the subsequent investigation.

Above all, the committee members hope that the interrogations will provide information on the functioning of the security authorities in MV.

The National Socialist Underground (NSU) killed eight small entrepreneurs of Turkish origin and one of Greek origin, as well as a female police officer in Germany.

In 2011, the core trio Uwe Mundlos and Uwe Böhnhardt committed suicide to avoid the threat of arrest.

Beate Zschäpe was sentenced to life imprisonment for tenfold murder.

The Turk Mehmet Turgut was shot dead in Rostock in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania in 2004.

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Communication to the NSU committee of inquiry on Friday