
Greifswald (dpa) - A Berlin couple with a second residence in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania failed with an application against the obligation to leave for people with secondary residence in the state.

The Greifswald Higher Administrative Court rejected their application to suspend this regulation, as the court announced on Friday.

According to a court spokesman, the couple with their main residence in Berlin and a secondary residence in Wustrow on the Darß had applied.

They stated that they were in their second home, according to a statement from the court.

The state corona ordinance stipulates that, apart from exceptions, owners of second homes must also leave the country by Friday at the latest.

For the time being, until May 11th, only those who have their main residence in the state or who visit their nuclear family are allowed to enter Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania.

The applicants had asserted that the regulation violated their fundamental rights, also because it was even directed against people who were fully vaccinated against the coronavirus.

The court spokesman could not say whether the couple had been vaccinated themselves.


The communication states that the court essentially rejected the application because it was inadmissible in its form.

He had aimed to oblige the country to enforce.

In a judicial review procedure, on the other hand, the court could at most declare the regulation ineffective.

But regardless of this, according to the court, the application would not have been successful.

The couple have pointed to lost time, gardening or the fact that they are temporarily unable to use their property.

However, it did not present any serious disadvantages or other important reasons against the attacked regulation.

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