
Syke / Ganderkesee (dpa / lni) - Using so-called grandchildren's tricks, the police arrested an 18-year-old in Syke in the Diepholz district and a 17-year-old in Ganderkesee in the Oldenburg district.

In both cases, strangers had previously pretended to be police officers on the phone to steal money, the officials announced on Friday.

It was initially unclear whether there was a connection between the cases.

In Ganderkesee, a stranger called an 85-year-old on Thursday and told her that her daughter had caused an accident with a dead person. Only the payment of a bail could avert the detention. The woman then tried to withdraw the requested amount of 48,000 euros, but a bank employee pricked up his ears and alerted the police. When the money was handed over, officials arrested the 17-year-old. A judge decides whether the young person will be placed in custody.

Strangers called a 60-year-old woman in Syke and told her about a traffic accident and the arrest of her son.

The woman should now pay a certain amount for a deposit.

The 60-year-old responded to the request and informed the police.

At the handover on Thursday, the officers arrested the 18-year-old.

The police are now investigating the young woman for fraud.

The identity of the callers was initially unclear.


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Message from the Diepholz police

Report from the Delmenhorst police