The ANC renews its roadmap to add pressure to the separatist forces, which it demands to reach an agreement to form a "Government of national concentration" that will return to the "unilateral" path and consume independence.

The action manual of the main Catalan independence entity for the years 2021-2022 labels the State as "occupying" and urges the secessionist parties to "face a new onslaught, permanently and simultaneously opening forms of disobedience, confrontation and popular mobilization »That make Spain« ungovernable ». "To avoid the conflict is to assume subordination, a fact that entails submission," reads the document, to which EL MUNDO has had access and which the members of the organization have yet to endorse in assembly.

The ANC has come to delve into the only compromise reached by the sovereignist forces so far, which consists of reactivating the insurrectionary path in 2023. The entity chaired by

Elisenda Paluzie

is not in favor of extending the negotiations with the State for two more years through the table agreed with Pedro Sánchez, as ERC defends and accepts the CUP and JxCat.

The ANC prefers to take the results of the illegal 1-O referendum as valid.

“We need to internalize that we are an occupied country, that Spain is trying to assimilate us and end our national identity.

We must open as many fronts as possible while we accumulate the necessary force to weaken the State, “the entity redounds in its script.

The postulates of the ANC coincide enormously with those put forward by the Consell for the Republic chaired by

Carles Puigdemont

, who in his roadmap calls for “overflowing” the State through a “sustained mobilization that makes any attempt by the State impossible Spanish to deactivate the will of the citizens ”.


However, the ANC also assumes in its new framework of strategic action that the independence movement is currently suffering "a situation of strategic and political blockade [...] lack of strategy in the short and medium term on the part of the actors and atomization and demobilization".

"The pro-independence actors have not achieved the necessary coordination in a liberation movement and have generated disaffection and disillusionment among the bases, which have seen how the strength and legitimacy accumulated during the decade of the


were weakened," he assumes in the document.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Jordi Sanchez

  • Spain


  • Pedro Sanchez

  • CUP

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