
Burgwedel (dpa) - Germany's second largest drugstore chain Rossmann continued to grow in the Corona year 2020.

Overall, the family business increased its sales by 3.5 percent to 10.35 billion euros, as it announced on Thursday.

The yield had "also developed positively," it said.

However, Rossmann did not give exact figures on the result.

Business was particularly good in Germany, where drugstores were rated as systemically relevant and therefore remained open even in lockdown.

Here sales grew by around 4.7 percent to 7.33 billion euros.

Adjusted for the effects of the VAT cut, growth was even more than 6 percent.

At the same time, however, sales shifted noticeably.

In the pandemic, branches in retail parks outside the cities did good business, while branches in pedestrian zones and train stations suffered from a decline in visitors.

It didn't go quite so well abroad.

A tougher lockdown in Eastern Europe weakened growth here significantly.

Overall, sales in Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Turkey, Albania, Kosovo and Spain rose by 2 percent to 3.06 billion euros.


Rossmann wants to stay on course for growth in the current year as well.

The opening of 195 new drugstores in Germany and abroad, 75 of them in Germany, should contribute to this.

Rossmann operates a total of 4,244 stores in eight European countries and employs 56,300 people.

The Rossmann market share for drugstore goods in German food retail is currently 15.7 percent, according to company information.

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