
Frankfurt / Main (dpa / lhe) - The Frankfurt educational institution Anne Frank spoke out on Wednesday in favor of a “Democracy TÜV” for political foundations.

"Anyone who is not suitable for democracy must be withdrawn from circulation!" Said Volker Beck, who has been a member of the Bundestag for many years and, together with representatives of the educational institution, presented a key point paper for a "defensive democracy law", which in particular promotes the support of party foundations should provide a legal basis.

"The core task of party foundations is generally considered to be political education as the" anchoring of democracy "in society," said Volker Beck. “The aim of political education must be to enable learners, by imparting knowledge, skills and understanding, to exercise and defend their democratic rights and

duties in society. Our legislative initiative includes the regular review of the activities of foundations. "

"The defensive democratic state must and cannot

accept it when its own resources are used to make the

basic principles of the constitution contemptible," said Meron Mendel, director of the educational institution, which, among other things, provides information and prevention work on right-wing extremism, anti-Semitism and racism makes.

"The democratic parties must

resolutely oppose those who want to destroy this basic order."

He wanted to hold background discussions on the legislative initiative with the democratic parties represented in the Bundestag.

"We want to have them at least virtually at a table."


The initiators are primarily concerned with the work of the AfD-affiliated Desiderius Erasmus Foundation, which could hope for funding from tax revenues after the federal elections.

You act "in the middle of the right-brown network of the New Right," warned Mendel.

"If we haven't learned from history that democracy has to fight back, then we haven't learned anything."

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Anne Frank educational institution