
Besigheim / Kirchheim (dpa / lsw) - In the Neckar near Kirchheim (Ludwigsburg district), a dead lamb was discovered with its legs tied.

As the police announced on Wednesday, the animal probably comes from an enclosure in Besigheim.

There, previously unknown perpetrators had stolen and killed animals over the weekend.

According to the information, 19 chickens and one rooster were beheaded with an ax.

The dead animals were thrown into the Enz, as the police announced on Monday.

In addition, the perpetrator (s) had tied the legs of a sheep and a lamb and drowned the animals.

The owner discovered the carcasses on Sunday.

According to the information, two lambs were stolen from the property on Friday night.

The background for the acts was initially unclear.

The police are now looking for witnesses.

The lamb floating in the Neckar was discovered on Tuesday evening.

As the police also announced, in addition to an animal welfare organization, several private individuals have offered rewards for clues that lead to the investigation of the perpetrators.


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from Monday

Message from Wednesday