
Dresden (dpa / sn) - Saxony's breweries are struggling with sales losses in the Corona crisis.

As the Saxon Brewers' Association announced on Thursday, the numbers at the beginning of 2021 were “dramatically worse” than in the previous year.

The amount of beer sold in January was 27 percent below the value of the previous year, in February it was 16 percent.

Smaller breweries in particular that sell their draft beer to the catering industry are increasingly affected by the ongoing lockdown.

Pubs, restaurants and clubs are among the most important buyers for breweries.

In the whole of last year, the Saxon breweries posted four percent less sales than in the previous year.

According to managing director Barbara Sarx-Lohse, the minus was lower than in other federal states.

The breweries came through the crisis relatively well.

"Due to the good weather, outdoor catering went well and there was an increase in bottled beer sales," said Sarx-Lohse.

The breweries are now in the starting blocks for the post-Corona period, it was said.

The beer gardens would still have to remain closed on April 23rd, but the hope for a “cold beer in the summer beer garden” remained.


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