
Cologne (dpa) - After the death of "Lindenstrasse" actor Willi Herren, his apartment in Cologne was broken into.

One or more perpetrators had gained access to the premises previously sealed by the police in the night from Tuesday to Wednesday, the Cologne public prosecutor said.

"Apparently, several valuable objects have been lost from the apartment," said a spokesman.

No more details can currently be said.

The Cologne police have started investigations into theft and broken seals.

The «Bild» newspaper had previously reported.

Herren was found dead on Tuesday in the apartment in Cologne's Mülheim district.

The actor, who was known from the ARD series “Lindenstrasse” and from various reality formats, was only 45 years old.

The exact cause of death is still unclear.

An autopsy did not reveal any evidence of external violence.


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