
Wiesbaden (dpa / lhe) - The written Abitur exams in Hesse begin today for 23,500 students.

The exams for the state high school diploma in 2021 will be taken at a total of 269 schools in the state.

All tests take place under the special corona conditions with distance and protective measures.

Due to the special conditions, according to the Ministry of Culture, the examinees will also receive additional time this year, which they can use individually during the examination.

With the advanced and basic courses in chemistry, the written Abitur exams begin on Wednesday.

The following day, the subjects of art, music, politics and economics as well as sports and religion continue.

The period for the written exams is set to May 5th.

The dates for the re-examinations are from May 18th to June 2nd.


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The Abitur dates in Hessen