President Biden of the United States spoke after being convicted of the death of black George Floyd, saying, "It's time for a big change," and called for the elimination of racism.

President Biden rushed to the White House on the 20th after a former police officer accused of second-class murder was found guilty of the death of black George Floyd. , I made a speech.

"Mr. Floyd will not return, but this verdict could be a major step forward in the fight for justice in the United States," Biden said.

He added, "For true reform, we must not stop here and work harder to prevent the tragedy of this time from happening again. Forget Floyd's last word,'I can't breathe.' It's time for a big change, "he said, calling for the elimination of racism and the reform of the police.

"America has a long history of structural racism. Black lives must be valued in education, medical care, and the judicial system," said Harris, the first black man to serve as Vice President. Racism is a problem for all Americans, not just blacks, "he said, arguing that each and every one of us should work to eliminate racism.