The first alarm about an assault on an open street came at 13:18 on Saturday.

Several witnesses saw the brutal assault, and a lone woman tried in vain to stop the perpetrator, according to Smålandsposten.

Exactly ten minutes later, the first patrol was on site, according to information from prosecutor Lise-Lotte Norström to SVT.

By then, the woman had already been stabbed to death.

Whether anyone could have stopped the course of events is not known, but in this case, every minute could have mattered.

- I'm completely convinced of that.

I think that ten minutes is quickly in place, at the same time you can regret that we were not there faster, says municipal police Ola Severinsson.

Police Ola Severinsson is on site in Alvesta for security-creating work.

Photo: Kaisa Lappalainen / SVT

Three and a half minutes walk

At the same time, many Alvesta residents raise the issue of the police's presence in the municipality.

When SVT's reporter walks at a walking pace from the murder scene to the police station, it takes three and a half minutes.

The same distance takes about half a minute by car.

But the station is only open four hours a week and the police patrols start from Växjö.

Ola Severinsson says the police presence in Alvesta is good - there are patrols in Alvesta and staff in the police station every day.

If that was the case at the time of the murder, SVT has not been able to find out.

Hear Ola Severinsson answer SVT's questions in the clip.