
Oberstdorf (dpa / lby) - The Nebelhornbahn in Allgäu, which was renewed for 55 million euros, is too loud.

At full speed, the limit values ​​for noise pollution would be slightly exceeded, said the spokesman for Oberstdorf Kleinwalsertal Bergbahnen, Jörn Homburg, on Wednesday.

This was first noticed during test runs of the new train in early March.

Several media had reported about it.

The manufacturer of the new railway is now checking every single component to find the cause of the noise, said Homburg.

"We have to turn that off within six months."

Since spare parts have to be designed, manufactured and checked specifically for the railway, the process could still take a while.

Until then, the cable car should run more slowly and not at night, said Homburg.

Improving now is “a completely normal process”.

In addition, the new lift is already quieter than its predecessor, so the residents “mostly understand” the rework.


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OK mountain railways for modernization

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