
Bosau (dpa / lno) - A man stormed into a meeting of local politicians in Bosau (Ostholstein district) with a baton.

Among other things, he was upset that families are currently not allowed to meet due to the Corona measures, but community representatives are, Mayor Eberhard Rauch told the German Press Agency on Wednesday.

He also insulted local politicians in the incident on Tuesday evening.

"He then pulled a telescopic baton in front of the sitting out of the building, transport and environmental committee," reported Rauch.

Together with other participants in the meeting, he jumped to the side of the committee chairman.

The "Ostholsteiner Anzeiger" had previously reported on it.

The local politicians finally got the 67-year-old to leave the meeting in a gym and informed the police.

"The whole thing took less than five minutes," said the 78-year-old mayor.

The man behaved aggressively.


When the emergency services arrived, the intruder had already left, said a police spokeswoman.

He had been reported to have been threatened.

In addition, the man from the community is now being investigated for violating the gun law.

According to the mayor, the incident occurred on Tuesday evening around 9.45 p.m.

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