
Heidelberg (dpa) - After the hibernation, the first offspring of the Heidelberg Zoo among the Syrian brown bears have been curiously exploring their surroundings for 20 years.

The baby bear, born in January, accompanied by his mother Ronja, left the inside of the bear enclosure for the first time this week and looked around in the outdoor enclosure, as the zoo announced on Wednesday.

Zoo director Klaus Wünnemann is particularly pleased about the healthy little she-bear for reasons of species protection: "The animals in Asia Minor are threatened with extinction and the zoo population can also use every young animal."

The animal is called Merle, whereby the first letter of her name is supposed to remind of her late father Martin.

Bear Ronja will raise the little one by herself.

In the wild, bears usually only meet to mate.

There, too, rearing the young is solely a matter for the bear mothers.

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