• Patuanelli: "There will be no discussion, the curfew remains at 10pm"

  • Covid, the draft of the decree on the government table: the yellow zone is back, measures until 31 July

  • School, Fedriga: "The government accepts the Regions proposal for a gradual restart"

  • Ministry of Health: "J&J safe, preferential use for over 60"

  • The delivery of 1.5 million doses of the Pfizer vaccine to the Regions is underway


April 21, 2021 On the agenda of the Council of Ministers this afternoon, the decree with the new measures for reopening. The new dl will be valid from 26/4 to 31/7. The curfew issue remains. Minister Patuanelli, guest of Rainews24, stated that the time will remain at 10 pm while the governors of the regions are asking to expand until 11 pm. Among the other measures being examined by the CDM, the return of the yellow areas, the methods for returning to school in the presence in the different areas and colors, the gradual reopening of restaurants, the resumption of shows and the green pass for travel.

Patuanelli, the curfew remains at 10pm

There will be the Council of Ministers today and the curfew remains at 10pm, as decided by the control room last Friday. The Minister of Agricultural and Food Policies, Stefano Patuanelli told Studio 24 on RaiNews. "We would like - he added - that the school would return to 100%. We intend to put the issue on the CDM and, as always, we will find a balanced solution . Even if Regions ask for limits for transport reasons, as M5S we believe we have to guarantee to high school students for the last 100 days of school face-to-face lessons ". In Cdm, added Minister Patuanelli," there will be no discussion on the curfew that he stays at 10 pm, as decided yesterday in the pre-council. Answers are given by marking a path of reopening, which is contained in the decree that we bring today to the Council of Ministers.It is not possible to address one issue in the sectoral world, one at a time.The measures must be seen in their entirety: talking about a curfew at 10pm or 11pm is wrong insofar as we do not look at the whole process of reopening that we have put in place. field. It is the set of openings that generates mobility and risks of contagion. Today, however, there is a gradual, prudent, measured process of reopening. We also take responsibility for evening openings, with dates and stages that must be addressed in this way because in the meantime the vaccination campaign continues ", said the minister.together with the reopening process that we have put in place. It is the set of openings that generates mobility and risks of contagion. Today, however, there is a gradual, prudent, measured process of reopening. We also take responsibility for evening openings, with dates and stages that must be addressed in this way because in the meantime the vaccination campaign continues ", said the minister.together with the reopening process that we have put in place. It is the set of openings that generates mobility and risks of contagion. Today, however, there is a gradual, prudent, measured process of reopening. We also take responsibility for evening openings, with dates and stages that must be addressed in this way because in the meantime the vaccination campaign continues ", said the minister.

Fedriga, curfew from 11pm

"As regions we have proposed responsible measures. We ask to extend the curfew by just one hour, at 11pm, to give breath to the activities, because moreover, only the premises that have open spaces will restart, a strong limitation that I hope will be able to The regions have also drawn up guidelines for indoor activities. We hope to restart with indoor catering before June 1. Then the government decides on this ". Thus Massimiliano Fedriga, president of Friuli Venezia Giulia and of the Conference of the Regions, guest at "The Breakfast Club" on Radio Capital. On school, President Fedriga skeptical of returning to class at 100%: "The goal of the regions and the government is to reach 100% attendance as soon as possible.objective impossibility of everyone returning to school in attendance. Physically, the means are lacking. In my region alone, 300 more buses would be needed, in addition to those already requested. All regions have asked for help from private companies and taken many tourist buses, but these means have a limit. Tourist buses cannot be used in urban centers. There are major technical problems. Even in schools there is a lack of physical spaces to guarantee the return to class of all students. The school has had great attention from politics, now we are with many closed activities and schools in attendance 100% up to middle school and over 50% in high school. Let's look at the glass half full. We have worked to guarantee a right to children but also a perspective for the country ".Physically, the means are lacking. In my region alone, 300 more buses would be needed, in addition to those already requested. All regions have asked for help from private companies and taken many tourist buses, but these means have a limit. Tourist buses cannot be used in urban centers. There are major technical problems. Even in schools there is a lack of physical spaces to guarantee the return to class of all students. The school has had great attention from politics, now we are with many closed activities and schools in attendance 100% up to middle school and over 50% in high school. Let's look at the glass half full. We have worked to guarantee a right to children but also a perspective for the country ".Physically, the means are lacking. In my region alone, 300 more buses would be needed, in addition to those already requested. All regions have asked for help from private companies and taken many tourist buses, but these means have a limit. Tourist buses cannot be used in urban centers. There are major technical problems. Even in schools there is a lack of physical spaces to guarantee the return to class of all students. The school has had great attention from politics, now we are with many closed activities and schools in attendance 100% up to middle school and over 50% in high school. Let's look at the glass half full. We have worked to guarantee a right to children but also a perspective for the country ".All regions have asked for help from private companies and taken many tourist buses, but these means have a limit. Tourist buses cannot be used in urban centers. There are major technical problems. Even in schools there is a lack of physical spaces to guarantee the return to class of all students. The school has had great attention from politics, now we are with many closed activities and schools in attendance 100% up to middle school and over 50% in high school. Let's look at the glass half full. We have worked to guarantee a right to children but also a perspective for the country ".All regions have asked for help from private companies and taken many tourist buses, but these means have a limit. Tourist buses cannot be used in urban centers. There are major technical problems. Even in schools there is a lack of physical spaces to guarantee the return to class of all students. The school has had great attention from politics, now we are with many closed activities and schools in attendance 100% up to middle school and over 50% in high school. Let's look at the glass half full. We have worked to guarantee a right to children but also a perspective for the country ".Even in schools there is a lack of physical spaces to guarantee the return to class of all students. The school has had great attention from politics, now we are with many closed activities and schools in attendance 100% up to middle school and over 50% in high school. Let's look at the glass half full. We have worked to guarantee a right to children but also a perspective for the country ".Even in schools there is a lack of physical spaces to guarantee the return to class of all students. The school has had great attention from politics, now we are with many closed activities and schools in attendance 100% up to middle school and over 50% in high school. Let's look at the glass half full. We have worked to guarantee a right to children but also a perspective for the country ".

Gelmini, we listened to the CTS

about the curfew "The curfew evokes bad things, in all of us there is the will to overcome it, but it takes graduality to not allow the virus to restart. We proposed 10 pm because we listened to the Cts. Government is confident that correct behavior will lead us to go from 10pm to 11pm, then to midnight and then remove it, but I don't feel like giving time ". Thus the Minister of Regional Affairs Mariastella Gelmini to 'Non stop news' on Rtl 102.5. 

Bonetti, curfew at 11pm could help

The shift of the curfew from 10pm to 11pm "could help" and "be more functional" than opening restaurants. The Minister for Equal Opportunities and the Elena Bonetti Family said this on Sky Tg24 Timelime.

Sileri, curfew at 11pm? Let's wait 2 weeks

To bring the curfew to 11 pm "I would wait for the next two weeks because the reopening will inevitably lead to an increase in the number of infections which are likely to be more frequent in younger subjects and therefore will not interfere much with the number of hospitalizations". Thus the Undersecretary of Health, Pierpaolo Sileri on Sky TG24. 

Salvini, shorten curfew before Cdm 

"I would ask for the extension of the time to go out in the evening and to reopen some economic activities: they are not requests from Salvini but from all Italian regions, of any political color. I hope that even before the CDM, a solution will be reached. common sense". So Matteo Salvini, during an initiative of Confedilizia. The secretary of the League says he wrote to Draghi and now "I hope these requests will be accepted, because voting for something that goes against common utility and common sense does not suit me - he attacks - the doctor did not prescribe it for me to vote for something I am not convinced of. I am loyal to the government and I absolutely trust Mario Draghi, I think he is the right person in the right place, we are here to help some resistance.We are in government to rebalance a certain imbalance from the point of view of welfare, centralism, statism ".