
Magdeburg (dpa / sa) - The safety and protection of cyclists is the focus of a new traffic safety campaign by the state police of Saxony-Anhalt.

As part of a day of action, cyclists are to be checked on Thursday and other road users are to be made aware of the special protection needs, as the Interior Ministry announced on Wednesday in Magdeburg.

The partners of the state police campaign are the Saxony-Anhalt state traffic watch, ADAC, Dekra Magdeburg as well as the Saxony-Anhalt Accident Insurance and the Association against Alcohol and Drugs in Road Traffic.

"Improving the safety of cyclists is an important component in increasing overall safety on Saxony-Anhalt's roads," said Interior Minister Michael Richter (CDU).

In 2020 there were 2703 traffic accidents with cyclists in Saxony-Anhalt (2019: 2831).

Almost half of this was reportedly caused by cyclists.

13 cyclists were killed in the accidents last year.

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Communication from the Ministry