
Berlin (dpa) - The official corona warning app of the federal government has been expanded to include a check-in function.

The new version 2.0 was released on Wednesday in the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store.

The new function is primarily intended to better record high-risk encounters between people indoors.

So far, the tracing app has only recorded people who have been at a distance of two meters or less for a long period of time as risk contacts.

When analyzing infection chains, however, it turned out that this is not enough.

Because: In closed rooms such as restaurants, department stores or churches, the dangerous air particles spread even over great distances.

In addition, aerosols that are exhaled by infected people are still present in dangerous concentrations for a while after the person has already left the room.

These findings are now taken into account in the new app version.


For the detection of “clusters” in rooms, the users of the app can check in by scanning a QR code, similar to the private Luca app.

In the app, you can also create and print out the block graphics for private meetings yourself.

In future versions, it should also be possible to display a digital vaccination certificate before the start of the summer holidays.

This would enable users to prove that they have been fully vaccinated.

In addition, the results of rapid tests should be able to appear in the app.

© dpa-infocom, dpa: 210421-99-289581 / 2


Current key figures of the Corona warning app

Corona warning app in the Apple App Store

Corona warning app in the Google Play Store