
Karlsruhe (dpa / lsw) - In Karlsruhe, the first self-driving local transport minibus goes to the start on demand.

From this Thursday on, citizens in the Weiherfeld-Dammerstock district can use one of three autonomous buses for free.

What is special about the project: The vehicles can be driven freely in normal road traffic.

In order to be able to intervene in an emergency, a safety driver from the Karlsruhe Transport Association (KVV) is always on board.

But just getting on is not possible: the shuttle from the front door to the nearest shop or to the tram stop runs without a fixed timetable and must be ordered in advance.

You need an app on your smartphone for this.

The safety driver also helps - if necessary - with getting in and out.

However, the residents do not have much time to adjust to the new vehicle: the project funded by the Federal Ministry of Transport ends at the end of June.

Then further research will be carried out;

Among other things, studies on the acceptance of such vehicles are to be carried out.


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