
Berlin (dpa / bb) - There have been almost 100,000 corona vaccinations in the Berlin medical practices.

As the Kassenärztliche Vereinigung (KV) Berlin announced on Wednesday, around 77,400 vaccine doses from the manufacturer Biontech and around 20,100 from Astrazeneca had been injected by Tuesday.

According to the KV, around 1,400 practices across Berlin are involved in the vaccinations - and the trend is rising.

In view of the announced larger delivery quantities in the coming weeks, KV assumes that the number of vaccinations in practices will increase significantly.

Due to the previously scarce vaccine, vaccinations were initially largely restricted to general practitioners' practices.

From now on, according to the KV, specialists can also take part in the Covid-19 vaccinations.

The federal vaccination ordinance applies.

According to this, vaccinations are currently offered for all people over 70 years of age as well as the chronically ill.

The medical association has spoken out in favor of revoking the vaccination sequence if the number of vaccinations continues to rise and sufficient vaccine arrives in the coming weeks.

"Anyone who wants to be vaccinated should also have the opportunity to do so," said the KV board of directors.

According to the Robert Koch Institute on Wednesday morning, there have been around 1,041,200 vaccinations in Berlin so far.


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Corona situation in Berlin

Press release