
Steinfurt (dpa / lnw) - No Roman finds or treasures from the Middle Ages, but the Regional Association of Westphalia-Lippe still speaks of a pearl of everyday archaeological life: During ground radar measurements in the Tecklenburger Land, scientists came across the tennis court, which is well over 100 years old.

Photos from the estate of the former owners therefore allow dating to 1900, as the LWL announced on Wednesday.

That would make the tennis court 120 years old.

The reason for the investigation is the redesign of Tecklenburg Castle in the Steinfurt district.

“What is special is not only that the tennis court has apparently largely been preserved, but that we can also connect it to specific people.

This is relatively rare in archeology.

The photos bring the findings to life, ”says LWL archaeologist Joris Coolen, according to the announcement.

The former owner was not only a passionate tennis player, but also an amateur photographer.

His estate includes recordings of family members playing tennis.

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