
Kiel (dpa / lno) - The tourism industry in Schleswig-Holstein started this year with significant losses due to the corona pandemic.

In the first two months, 96,200 overnight guests came to the country, 87.0 percent fewer than in the same period last year, as the North Statistics Office announced on Tuesday.

The corona crisis began in March of last year.

The number of overnight stays in January and February of this year fell by 73.9 percent to 663,500.

The statistics only cover houses with at least ten beds.

In February there were 2,325 accommodation facilities with 168,500 beds.

There were also 58 campsites.

The number of overnight guests fell in February by 87.4 percent to 52,000 and that of overnight stays by 74.5 percent to 360,000. Overnight stays in hotels or other accommodation providers have been banned for a long time due to the pandemic.

A first model project has been running in the north since Monday for a new start to tourism in the Schleiregion and in Eckernförde with strict conditions.

The statistics on travel also include data from prevention and rehabilitation clinics.

© dpa-infocom, dpa: 210420-99-274344 / 2


Tourism statistics