Entrepreneur and activist Flora Ghebali publishes My Generation Will Change the World with Editions de l'Aube.

An essay in which she paints the portrait of a generation "from the transition to action", which prefers daily commitment to traditional political parties.


Are the younger generation disillusioned and disengaged, as some say?

This is not the opinion of Flora Ghebali, a 27-year-old entrepreneur and activist, invited to Europe 1 this Tuesday evening.

The young woman is publishing an essay this week, 

My generation will change the world

, published by Aube.

For her, the young generation is precisely "a generation of passage to action, which claims in its daily actions what it believes in".

Young people who act every day "on the ground" to change things, sometimes keeping their distance from trade unions and traditional political parties.

The disappointment with the parties

The one who created the social innovation agency "Coalitions" relies on her career and her personal disappointments.

"After my baccalaureate, I wanted to go to college because I dreamed of becoming a trade unionist, but I arrived in a place that was far removed from my ideals," says Flora Ghebali.

"The same goes for political parties. I joined a party, the PS, as soon as I was old enough to do so, at 15. When I arrived in the Paris section, I was told that if I distributed leaflets for 20 years, I would perhaps become a city councilor, ”she regrets.

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"These French people who did not wait for policies or subsidies to transform things"

From this experience, Flora Ghebali has learned a lesson.

She feels much more effective "by the activist act on a daily basis, starting with consumption, by the way in which one can be green on a daily basis", than by being an activist.

"And I think that's what there is in common in our generation," she says.

Without denying the importance of activists, "essential in our society" according to her, the entrepreneur believes "that there is an activism which is less visible but which is in daily action, and which is shared within [ his] generation ".


School support, civic services and petitions: how the engagement of young people has evolved

To the activism carried by political parties, Flora Ghebali prefers to dream of "these French women and men who innovate, who invent, and who did not wait for policies, subsidies or municipal decisions to transform things around them ". She thus claims "the individual action of each" as a force to change the world.