It has been six years since siblings Lena and Conny Greus began building a camp with three small buildings three kilometers into the forest from the village of Suijavaara.

The camp will be used by them, but they also plan to take smaller tourist groups there who will be able to experience the tranquility of the wilderness.

But according to Könkämä Sami village, the camp is located in an important winter grazing area and has appealed the building permit.

However, the municipality of Kiruna has considered that the disruptions to the reindeer herding industry from small-scale tourism will not be so great.

But when the case was sent back from the county administrative board for the second time, it was rejected by the municipality.

The Sami village has demanded that the buildings be removed and the land restored.

Burn down or try to move, that's what matters if the Greus siblings do not choose to try to push the issue forward.

- We really want to continue fighting for as long as possible, but it has already cost a lot in money and health, says Lena Greus.

For them, the issue is about more than an appealed building permit.

It is about who should have the right to the land.

- This is land that has belonged to our family for many hundreds of years.

But the reindeer herding industry has gained power and it says no to everything.