All the news of the day and the week analyzed and put into perspective by the journalists of the editorial staff of Europe 1, but also the guests.



Carine Rolland

, deputy mayor of Paris, delegate for culture 


Geoffrey Clavel,

  president of the café-bars-brasseries branch of the UMIH Rhône and chef of the restaurant "le pignouf" in Lyon


Philippe Moreau-Chevrolet,

political communication expert and president of MCBGConseil


Bruno Jeudy,

 political columnist and editor-in-chief at Paris Match


Laetitia Krupa,

 political journalist


Jean Marc Dumontet,

producer and director of several Parisian theaters


Julien Bayou

, national secretary of Europe Écologie-Les Verts (EELV)


Jessica Serra

, ethologist, specialist in animal cognition, for her book La bête en nous published by Humensciences


Jacques Weber,
