
Wiesbaden (dpa / lhe) - Between June 2020 and January of this year, 42,844 applications for Corona bridging aid were submitted to the five Hessian student unions.

Of these, around 70 percent were approved, as Science Minister Angela Dorn (Greens) announced in response to a small request from the SPD parliamentary group in Wiesbaden.

The 5516 applications from February have not all been processed.

The benefit is aimed at students who, for example, find themselves in financial distress due to a part-time job that is lost.

Depending on the account balance, there are 100 to a maximum of 500 euros per month that do not have to be repaid.

A bank statement must be used to prove that there is an emergency.

According to the Federal Ministry of Education, the bridging aid should also be granted throughout the summer semester.

© dpa-infocom, dpa: 210419-99-257828 / 2


Answer by Science Minister Angela Dorn (Greens) to a small question from the SPD parliamentary group