
Grimmen (dpa / mv) - After a dangerous escape in the Grimmen region (Western Pomerania-Rügen), the police arrested a 31-year-old driver on Sunday.

He had previously rammed a police car head-on, injuring two police officers.

A police spokesman said a warning shot had been fired.

The fugitive driver should be checked around noon near Grammendorf after witnesses had alerted the officers.

The car was traveling without a license plate.

When the officers came, the man drove away, sped through towns and villages at more than 100 km / h, broke through a police barrier and rammed a police car head-on.

The police were taken to a clinic.

The man's car was finally stopped.

A drug pretest was positive for the driver who was known to the police.

He did not provide any information about the motif.


The investigation into dangerous bodily harm and dangerous interference in road traffic continued.

The entire chase with several patrol cars lasted about an hour and a half, according to the police.

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