
Kiel (dpa / lno) - The seven-day incidence of new corona infections has fallen slightly in Schleswig-Holstein.

On Wednesday it was 77.5 - after 77.7 on Tuesday, according to data from the Ministry of Health in Kiel (as of April 14, 7.47 p.m.).

The nationwide number of new infections reported within seven days per 100,000 inhabitants was 153.2 on Wednesday morning, according to the Robert Koch Institute.

On Wednesday a week ago, the incidence in Schleswig-Holstein was 63.3.

Furthermore, two districts exceeded the critical mark of 100 in terms of incidence: the Duchy of Lauenburg (160.1) and Segeberg (102.5).

The lowest numbers were in the districts of Schleswig-Flensburg (35.3) and North Friesland (41.0).

407 confirmed new corona infections were reported for the country (Tuesday: 403).

The number of people who died from or with the virus rose by two - to 1468. According to the figures on Wednesday, 190 people are being treated in clinics for Covid-19 - 44 of them are in intensive care.

25 were ventilated.


© dpa-infocom, dpa: 210414-99-206616 / 2

Corona cases reported for Schleswig-Holstein

RKI dashboard