
Lehde (dpa / bb) - Post deliverer Andrea Bunar brings a piece of normality to the Spreewald in the corona pandemic: Since Wednesday, she has been delivering letters and parcels to residents with her boat again.

Fortunately, some things remained the same, such as the untouched nature in the Spreewald, said Bunar at the start on the water.

The 50-year-old supplies 65 households and steers her boat with just her muscles on the eight-kilometer tour.

The sore muscles in her arms were "included" in the first few weeks after the start of the season, reported the mail carrier.

Lawn mower, hedge, greenhouse - the packages could weigh up to 31.5 kilograms.

Last year she carried a very special package on the boat with her nine-meter-long boat - an apple tree.

At the start Andrea Bunar got a bit of luck on the water from chimney sweep Tino Winkler, who was also on his way to work with his boat.

The postman briefly touched his jacket to pick up some soot.

A popular belief is that happiness brings you.


In the Spreewald village of Lehde, the delivery person delivers more than 600 letters, registered mail and postcards as well as around 70 parcels and parcels by punt per week, because many households on the water have no direct access to the road.

Bunar also offers a mobile postal service on their tour: customers can give them letters and parcels and buy postage and parcel stamps.

The post has been brought in by boat in the Spreewald for 124 years.

At the end of the 1890s, the residents of Lehde had to pick up their mail when going to church on Sundays.

With industrialization and the resulting rural exodus, the mailing of mail increased more and more.

At the end of the 19th century, the Post set up delivery by Spreewald barge as a service in order to be able to better reach the households there.

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