
Nordhausen (dpa / th) - The Nordhausen district is hoping for the green light to continue the model project in retail after the corona incidence value exceeded the 100 mark on Wednesday.

The increase in the number of infections to 110.3 (as of Wednesday) in the district in Northern Thuringia was not due to shopping behavior in the model region, said District Administrator Matthias Jendricke (SPD).

"On the contrary, this has led to broad testing of the population and - even if only sporadically - has uncovered previously undetected infections."

The incidence value indicates the number of new infections reported within seven days per 100,000 inhabitants.

In the Nordhausen district, after a negative test, shopping has been allowed since last Monday and until next Friday (April 16) as part of a model project approved by the state government.

The prerequisite for participation is that the district in the north of the Free State has a continuous corona incidence of less than 100.

The number of new infections results largely from the school and corporate sector, said District Administrator Jendricke.

In the neighboring districts as well as in the whole of Thuringia, the incidence values ​​have risen.

"Due to professional interdependencies, this naturally also has an effect on us."


An outlier of the incidence to over 100 in the course of the pilot project could mean a halt to the pilot project and a closure of the shops.

"We hope they stay open," said a city spokeswoman on Wednesday.

The district is in coordination with the Ministry of Health on the model region.

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