The holy month of Ramadan has begun, and its virtues and blessings have extended to us after a year of grief caused by the Corona pandemic.

Ramadan comes and in every home there is a remembrance of a relative, friend, or neighbor who bade farewell to loved ones last year, and the reason is a virus that does not know the mercy of the holy month and does not observe fasting or love, and last year Ramadan passed in a more cautious atmosphere, and calls for separation and staying safe in homes.

But this year, the matter seems different, and Corona has become a pet virus, the world has become accustomed to its existence, and many are trying to coexist with it, so the preparations for the Ramadan banquets that were absent last year have returned to their presence this year in a more exaggerated and less careful manner.

Coexistence with the pandemic has become a necessity in light of a virus that transforms, taking a new image in every wave, but if family gatherings are necessary in Ramadan, then the advocates and their guests must follow the advice given by experts in this regard.

To avoid spreading the infection as much as possible.

Dr. Hany Al-Nazer, former head of the Research Center, confirms - through his own page on Facebook - the need to implement a partial curfew in Egypt during the month of Ramadan, after he followed up on the special preparations for Egyptians to receive the holy month, the exaggerated crowding in the streets and the demand to buy supplies for moments and banquets .

He said, "The third wave of Corona is coming to us with an open chest, and is more ferocious than the previous waves, and there is a real fear of Ramadan gatherings and intentions, so that the rate of injuries does not increase, so I call on the Egyptian government to implement a partial ban in Ramadan that starts an hour before breakfast and ends two hours later," This would reduce the dangerous repercussions of Ramadan rallies and gatherings. "

To reduce the burden on our mothers' shoulders, we can make varieties of food or sweets to contribute to the feast (pixels)

Despite all the warnings, it is always expected that the majority will not adhere to social distancing measures during the holy month.

Therefore, Shaima Musa, an etiquette expert, offered to Al-Jazeera Net, several tips through which to spend a safe Ramadan feast:

1 - That the invitation to break the fast or the pre-dawn meal is restricted to one family only, so there is no need for more than one family to gather, especially in the homes of elderly parents, so it is better for them to be healthy - if it is necessary for a family gathering - to invite one family per day.

Shaima adds, that in order to reduce the burden on our mothers, it is possible to make varieties of food or sweets, and to go with them to contribute to breakfast without burdening them with financial or physical effort.

2- Taking off shoes, even if it was before Corona, does not seem to be etiquette, except that after Covid-19 the matter became different and taking off the shoes before entering the apartment became necessary, so the hostess must provide a set of light shoes suitable for men, women and children, to be an alternative to Shoes contaminated with street litter.

The invitation for Iftar or Suhoor should be limited to one family only (pixels)

3- Masks are a necessity, and disinfectants are not absent from the entrance to the house, these are constant rules since the beginning of the virus’s emergence, Moussa says, adding that some people have become negligent in protection measures, so it is necessary to remind them when they are invited, and this can be done in a gentle manner, by sending an invitation Accompanied by a cartoon image of one of the Ramadan characters wearing the muzzle, in a clear indication of the need to wear it during the moment.

4- If it is necessary to respond to the invitation of a relative or friend, it is etiquette to ask the host if he prefers sweets from the shops, or he prefers home-made sweets, especially since many families do not prefer to buy food from abroad and do not believe in its safety.

5- It is preferable to prepare the outdoor banquet council if it is available, and if the conditions of the narrow spaces do not allow this, it can be compensated for by opening the windows and balconies and renewing the air of the house throughout the period of the moment.