
Ravensburg (dpa) - Unknown people have set up a wooden penis about two meters high near Ravensburg on Lake Constance.

The community takes it with humor, said Daniel Futterer from the local administration on Wednesday.

The phallus sculpture was discovered on a dirt road in the Taldorf district over the weekend.

Who brought them there is not known.

The sculpture on the site of the city should now stand still for the time being.

The wooden penis is well attached to the floor and there is no danger to the traffic on the street next to it.

In the region around the neighboring Allgäu, such phallus sculptures appear again and again.

At the beginning of January, a similar wooden penis was set up near Ebratshofen in the Bavarian district of Lindau.

Here, too, it is unknown who installed the wooden sculpture there.

The most famous sculpture of this kind is on the 1738 meter high Grünten in the Allgäu Alps in Bavaria.

Most recently, this wooden penis even attracted international attention when it first fell over within a few weeks, then was straightened up again and finally disappeared under mysterious circumstances.

The wooden penis was later replaced, then sawn and reassembled by strangers.


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