The youtubeur Hugo Travers, at the head of the channel "Hugo décrypte", is the guest on Tuesday of the show "It feels good".

He explains to Anne Roumanoff's microphone why his video with Marine Le Pen has been seen three times more than his interview with Emmanuel Macron, in passing his analysis of the relationship of young people to politics.


Three million views, compared to just over 960,000 views.

The observation is clear: the youtubeur Hugo Travers interested his young audience much more with his video "What I said to Marine Le Pen on France 2" than with his interview with President Emmanuel Macron.

Guest of the show 

It feels good

, the one who runs the YouTube channel "Hugo decrypts" explains Tuesday at the microphone of Anne Roumanoff this difference, which is according to him more due to the formats of the two videos than to political figures at stake.

>> Find all of Anne Roumanoff's shows from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on Europe 1 in replay and podcast here

In 2019, Hugo Travers is indeed invited opposite Marine Le Pen in

L'Emission politique

de France 2. "On a daily basis, I am confronted with messages from young people who ask me to verify information and rumors", explains the youtubeur .

"When France 2 called me to tell me that I could have ten minutes against Marine Le Pen and asked me what I would do, the subject of false information struck me as interesting."

"If we want young people to vote, they must first be informed"

In the wake of this TV passage, Hugo Travers puts the extract online on YouTube.

"Today is the most popular video on my channel," he observes.

"What must be seen is that there is an interest in political figures, which is not crazy interest either. I get a lot more views when I present a candidate's program. , rather than when I interview him. It's quite astonishing to see, but even interviews with ministers do not necessarily interest young people. "

According to him, those who follow his videos do so to have a summary of the news and to be informed through his reports.

The approach of the presidential election of 2022 is crucial for him.

"It's no use just telling young people to go vote because it's important," he warns.

"If we want young people to go and vote, they must first be informed and have an interest in these subjects. The first thing, to ensure that young people get involved, is 'information."


Covid-19 crisis: how the Hugo Décrypte channel tries to help young people

But Hugo Travers would like to push this commitment further.

Not in politics, but to help young people affected by the health crisis.

"We are in contact with associations to see if we can use our audience to mobilize and do something," he explains.

"It's something that is done a lot abroad."

On this principle, the French YouTuber Jérôme Jarre had raised 2 million euros against the famine in Somalia in 2017. Hugo Travers is looking for other modes of action.