The government and its coalition parties thus want to allocate an additional SEK 350 million to the school.

The money is included in the spring change budget.

- The pandemic is taking hold and more children are losing knowledge.

This money is for schools to be able to offer more teaching time and other support measures, and not least law school for those who risk leaving primary school without eligibility, says Liberal party leader Nyamko Sabuni.

Which groups do you think would benefit from this?

- Many children in vulnerable areas, many children who live in crowded areas, children with concentration difficulties, but also children who are good at school and think that teacher-led lessons are important for their learning.

100 million to law school

The school system is proposed to receive 250 million to be able to carry out education that could not be assimilated during the pandemic and various support measures.

In addition, SEK 100 million is proposed for, among other things, law school, ie enhanced voluntary teaching during the school holidays in compulsory school and upper secondary school.

Participation in law school must be able to be combined with summer jobs organized by municipalities.

- Law school is voluntary, but I assume that the schools ensure that the children who risk leaving primary school without eligibility also participate in the law school.

says Nyamko Sabuni.