In the previous five articles of this series, we dealt with the new wave of normalization that some Arab countries undertook with the Zionist entity, and we made clear that this wave and what comes after it differs from its predecessors, and that it is part of an integrated plan to revive the new Middle East project, according to the vision expressed by "the Ibrahim Agreements." "And after we reviewed the current Arab context accompanying the project, the centers on which it is based, the mechanisms for its implementation, and the basic conditions for its success;

We conclude the series in this article by talking about the challenges that the project faces, and the potential resistance expected.

The Zionist project may have success in the short and medium term, but it is certain that it will not succeed in the long term, because what was built on falsehood is false, and if the project’s godparents are betting on future generations, those who oppose the project are also betting on those same generations.

Fatal weaknesses

In spite of the great opportunities available to the Zionist entity to revive the new Middle East project, and the availability of the foundations and conditions for that, and despite the harmonization of the current Arab context for the soft penetration of the remaining Arab countries, the project contains a number of fatal weaknesses that constitute a major challenge in addition to the challenges. Other regional and international levels, and these points are as follows:

1. The absence of a popular reference

The agreements concluded by the Zionist entity with the Arab countries are based on totalitarian regimes that lack popular reference within the real democratic constitutional frameworks, which makes these agreements vulnerable to revocation in the event of major political transformations whose orientations differ with the project.

2. The aggression of the Zionist entity

Despite the efforts that the Zionist entity will make on the social and cultural levels, and despite the misinformation and obfuscation that the Arab countries that sign with the Zionist entity will impose, to decorate its face and justify its inclusion in the awareness of its citizens, their moods and their psyche, it will not be able to write off history and burn the facts of the Zionist entity’s aggression and its crimes and its rape of the Arab land. Holy.

3. Violating the constants of history

If a few million children of the Zionist entity claim that they have been for 5 thousand years and have been chanting, annually on their religious holidays, the saying "Next year will be our feast in Jerusalem", then more than a billion and a half billion Muslims repeat their daily prayers "Oh God be upon you with the Zionists and who and most importantly, Oh God, liberate Al-Aqsa from the hands of the usurping Zionists, "even if their voices dimmed and their imams were prevented from repeating them on the pulpits.

It is natural for the Zionist entity and its partner regimes to be fully aware of these weaknesses, and they will make great efforts to confront them and weaken their impact, and they will practice more oppression, oppression, misinformation, absenteeism and confiscation, but they will definitely not be able to eliminate them and get rid of them.

Regional and international challenges

In addition to the previous weaknesses, the project faces many challenges that may plague it again as it ravaged it 30 years ago, and the most prominent of these challenges are:

  • The Palestinian cause

  • Failure to reach a just solution to the Palestinian issue that satisfies the aspirations of the Palestinian people will lead to the continuation of military operations between the Zionist entity and the Palestinian resistance, expanding at times and narrowing at others, which will greatly affect the stability of the region and the position of its people towards the Zionist entity, as well as the possibility of the emergence of military tactics New to the resistance factions, which leads to an unexpected military escalation for all parties.

    2. The Arab context

    It is true that the current Arab context is in the interest of the Zionist entity, but it is not absolutely, despite the weakness, disintegration and crises it suffers from, it constitutes a great challenge to the Zionist project in several aspects, including:

    • The absence of political, military and security stability, due to oppression, tyranny and corruption, raises the level of discontent, discontent and protest, and makes Arab countries flammable at any moment, with disparities among them.

    • Competition for leadership, as the Zionist entity ignored Egypt's position at the forefront of Arab leadership, and signed agreements with a number of Arab countries that did not heed the Egyptian advice, and a summary of its experience with the Zionist entity, which may lead to the reshaping of internal alliances between the countries of the region.

    • The incitement roles of the Zionist entity with the regional neighboring countries against the Arab countries, such as its role with Ethiopia and India.

    3. Regional countries

    Both Iran and Turkey pose a major challenge to the new project, as any military escalation against Iran will lead to complex and stormy scenarios, which may deviate from all expectations, in contrast Turkey has become a major player in the Arab region, which has strategic relations with a number of its countries, which helps it in that success. Turkey will not allow this project to bypass it or pose a threat to its political, military, security and economic interests, which it has achieved in recent years.

    4. International competition

    The new Middle East project represents a meeting point for major economic and security interests in a vital multi-sided strategic region, not belonging to the Zionist entity and the United States alone, but by the major players, chiefly Britain, France, Germany and Italy, in addition to Russia and China, which are engaged in conflict and competition with the United States. It is bubbling, most of it is still below the surface, only its outer shell is visible to us.

    These big players will not allow the United States to unilaterally plan and implement the Middle East project without them, as it did in sponsoring the third wave of normalization waves and the waves that follow.

    5. Project financing

    The investment projects that are supposed to be established in the new Middle East are gigantic projects that require huge capital that the budgets of Arab countries cannot afford, which will open the door wide for investing countries and transcontinental companies to enter and invest in exchange for harsh international guarantees, which oblige the Arab countries involved in the project to maintain security Investment, and long-term commitment to the agreements that are signed, and this will only be achieved with the participation of major countries with their forces in protecting their investments and the investments of their companies on land, sea and air.

    In order to face these challenges, many measures will be taken, without complacency, such as:


    The signing of the joint Arab countries of the "Ibrahim Agreements", and their obligation to act immediately according to them, and to make the necessary media, educational, intellectual, cultural and religious changes, and to transform the Ibrahim Agreements into a culture prevalent in the region that regulates educational curricula, media work, social communication and joint inclusive activities.


    Achieving political stability in the region, resolving the Syrian crisis, the Yemeni crisis and the Sudanese crisis, and including all of these countries in the project as candidate countries to form groups opposed to it in the future.


    Reaching a speedy settlement to the Palestinian issue, and obliging the incoming leadership to international agreements that prevent it from carrying out any destabilizing actions.


    Developing joint perceptions between the United States and the major players, along with the Zionist entity and the countries of the region, to ensure the security of the project and the investments that it will place in it on land, sea and air.


    Clamping down on Islamic and national groups opposed to the project, and issuing additional legislation of an international character that places them under the penalty of law when they engage in any practices that harm the interest of the project.


    Pumping more Arab liberal cadres that are being prepared into the factories of future leaders in Western countries, and enabling them to lead the executive institutions in Arab countries.

    Resisting the Zionist project

    It seems that the chances of the Arab region's resistance to the new Middle East project at the present time will be weak, and unable to stop it or impede its progress, and among the reasons for this are the following:

    • The domination of totalitarian regimes and the absence of real representative institutions that express the people.

    • The severity of repression, oppression and confiscation of freedom of opinion and expression, and the hegemony of the one-voice media.

    • Modifying educational curricula in many Arab countries, in accordance with the principles of the "Abraham Agreements", and raising generations according to them.

    • The ruling regimes' rejection of any popular or factional activities that oppose the project.

    • The preoccupation of official state institutions with promoting the project, and the absence of any scientific review of the risks and negative consequences.

    • Most of the countries in the region are preoccupied with their internal political, economic and security crises, about what is going on in the region or the world, such as Syria, Yemen, Iraq, Libya, Sudan, Mauritania, Somalia, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Tunisia and Algeria.

    • The inability of the Palestinian cause to pump more fuel to ignite the Arab street, to support it again, and to elevate its position over other issues.

    • Many countries in the region criminalize political Islam groups, headed by the Muslim Brotherhood, and their members retreat in themselves, and their activities against the Zionist infiltration have diminished.

    • The domination of governmental religious institutions over the affairs of religious guidance in mosques, lectures, and media platforms, all of which support the regime and issue it to the fatwas it needs, and provide it with the defense and justification required by the standing.

    • Weakness of dissenting voices from outside the Arab region in the face of the fierce media machines owned by totalitarian regimes.

    With these reasons, the totalitarian state regimes, with all their oppression and brutality, will not be able to achieve the following:

    • Religious realities change.

    • Abolishing history and convincing generations of the legitimacy of the Zionist entity.

    • Stifling national voices rejecting the project.

    • Wiping off the big Islamic movements and eliminating them from existence, and history bears witness to that.

    • Continue to mislead and obscure, because its life is short.

    • Avoid sudden tremors and setbacks.

    This means that the project may have success in the short and medium terms, but it is certain that it will not succeed in the long term, because what was built on falsehood is false, and if the project’s godparents are betting on future generations, the opponents of the project are also betting on those same generations.