
Berlin (dpa) - In the struggle for the candidate for chancellor of the Union parties, CDU General Secretary Paul Ziemiak rejected the reference by CSU boss Markus Söder to the polls of both opponents.

These are far better for Söder himself than for the CDU chairman Armin Laschet.

"Surveys always play a role, of course, but not the exclusive one," said Ziemiak on Monday evening on ZDF "heute journal".

“It's also about other skills if you later want to lead a government and keep a party together.

And Armin Laschet brings these skills with him. "

Ziemiak answered yes to the question of whether Laschet could still catch up in the polls.

«Because Armin Laschet has proven time and again in the past that he - because he sticks to his issues, because he is credible, because he is curious, is a man of ideas - that he always supports the Union, even in difficult election campaigns, can lead the party to victory. "

Unlike Söder, like Laschet, his General Secretary also urged a quick decision.

This corresponds to the feedback he received from the CDU base, said Ziemiak, alluding to Söder's new demand that the will of the party members should also be taken into account.

"It doesn't depend on a day now, but it will be very quick," he said.

With a view to the support of the CDU leaders on Monday for Laschet and Söder's announcement on Sunday that they would be ready when the CDU calls him, Ziemiak said that they would be "in the light of today's decision, including yesterday's words" about it decide.


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