
Munich / Hof (dpa / lby) - In Bavaria, intensive care beds are slowly becoming scarce again due to the Corona crisis.

In the past three weeks, the occupancy of the so-called ICU beds has risen by 43.5 percent, said Bavaria's Health Minister Klaus Holetschek (CSU) after the cabinet meeting in Munich.

The situation is “still manageable”, but is causing concern in view of the increasing number of infections.

ICU beds are intensive care beds with invasive ventilation options.

Treatment in such a bed does not necessarily mean that the patient is currently being ventilated.

However, ventilation may be required immediately at any time.

Bavaria's hospitals reported 782 Covid 19 patients on Tuesday, according to the Germany-wide DIVI register on Tuesday.

There were no free beds in the intensive care unit in the Landshut district, and several other municipalities only reported one or two free intensive care beds.

According to the clinic there, two intensive care beds were still free on Tuesday in the nationwide Corona hotspot Hof, 49 Covid 19 patients were treated.


If there are no more beds available in a district, this does not mean that treatment is no longer possible.

But new intensive care patients then sometimes have to be brought to other hospitals over long distances.

According to the intensive care register, 10.9 percent of the almost 3,400 intensive care beds were still free across Bavaria on Tuesday, comparable to neighboring Baden-Württemberg.

"The situation is coming to a head," said a spokesman for the Bavarian Hospital Association of the German press agency.

The number of Covid 19 patients is increasing significantly, at the same time more and more employees are absent without a vaccination.

"There are clinics that are postponing planned operations again."

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Intensive register