
Berlin / Magdeburg (dpa / sa) - According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), the seven-day value of new corona infections in Saxony-Anhalt is 173.9.

That came out on Tuesday morning from the RKI dashboard.

On Monday, the RKI showed a value of 173.5 cases per 100,000 inhabitants within seven days, after 159.2 on Sunday.

According to the information, 279 new corona infections nationwide were reported to the RKI within 24 hours.

The nationwide seven-day incidence was 140.9 on Monday, according to the RKI, and more than 10,810 cases had been reported.

After the neighboring states of Thuringia (234.5) and Saxony (212.1), Saxony-Anhalt has the highest number of infections nationwide.

For the Burgenland district, the RKI reported the highest seven-day incidence nationwide with 319.8 on Tuesday, followed by the Stendal district with 260.8 and the independent city of Halle with 198.1 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants and seven days.

According to the RKI, only the district of Anhalt Bitterfeld with 89.0 and Jerichower Land with 93.8 were below the 100 mark.


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RKI Covid-19 dashboard

Overview of the State Office for Consumer Protection on the Covid-19 cases in Saxony-Anhalt