
Kiel (dpa / lno) - Sport in Schleswig-Holstein can start again from next Monday (April 19) with seven model projects in the corona pandemic.

Among the selected is the Flensburg sports association with swimming, darts and dance, as Interior Minister Sabine Sütterlin-Waack (CDU) announced on Tuesday.

The female U16 basketball team of the Itzehoe Eagles and the Itzehoe Rowing Club can also start their projects.

The Eckernförde sports club is there with three soccer teams, as is SSV Hennstedt from the Dithmarschen district with its men's soccer division.

The men's gymnastics club (KMTV) and the gymnastics association (KTB) from Kiel are allowed to participate.

"The seven projects are characterized by a very good and well thought-out concept and include very different types of sport and age groups - I am particularly pleased about that," said Sütterlin-Waack.

An important prerequisite is that the number of new corona infections per 100,000 inhabitants is below 100 within seven days.

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