
Leipzig (dpa / sn) - The Corona crisis has burdened the Leipzig-based gas supplier VNG less than initially feared.

All business areas had positive earnings contributions in the previous year and in some cases significantly exceeded expectations, said CEO Ulf Heitmüller on Tuesday.

“It took an immense effort.

But the security of supply with electricity and gas was and is guaranteed at all times. "

The annual result was positive for the fifth time in a row, emphasized Heitmüller.

He put the annual surplus at 46 million euros.

At 9.8 billion euros, sales were slightly below the previous year's figure of 10.5 billion euros.

VNG continues to focus on “green gases” as a future issue.

In the past two years, the number of biogas plants has been increased from eight to 37, said Heitmüller.

The VNG subsidiary Balance Erneuerbare Energien GmbH is now one of the leading biogas plant operators in Germany.

With 392 million euros, the group had again increased investments compared to the previous year (345 million euros).

The largest share flowed into the transport and biogas business areas.


The company, which is headquartered in Leipzig, currently employs 1305 people.

More than 80 percent currently work from home.

"We want to continue these processes even after the pandemic," said Bodo Rodestock, the Chief Human Resources Officer.

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