A wind of freedom is blowing in the United Kingdom after severe confinement this winter: bars and restaurants have reopened their terraces.

Many Britons went to London pubs on Monday evening.

For the time being, the epidemic is declining across the Channel and the goal of vaccinating people over 50 has been met. 

After the winter under confinement, the British smelled like a spring scent on Monday.

Bars and restaurants have reopened across the Channel for the first day of relief from the third confinement.

In the United Kingdom, the most vaccinated country in Europe, the coronavirus epidemic is slowly calming down, with around 3,000 new infections per day, almost ten times less than in France. 

Barrier gestures far from London terraces 

The sun is down, the terraces are crowded ... But Londoners, disciplined, remain seated wisely.

And for good reason, this freedom is conditioned: Boris Johnson has warned his fellow citizens about the risk of a new outbreak of cases, if they did not behave "responsibly" during this relief.

On the terrace, two friends are having a drink.

"We've been here for a few hours! We've had… six beers each. No eight! Eight beers each. It's good to see different people, not to be locked up anymore," Grace and Carly say to their table. of pub.



- Coronavirus: follow the evolution of the situation Tuesday, April 13

As the glasses pile up, they apply less and less barrier gestures. "You have to be careful. Very careful ... Keep the distance", one of them sneers, drunk.

Before the second one concludes: "It is sure that it will be a carnage, it will end badly. But we need it". 

"I don't see the impact"

At the next table, what reassures Rachel is that like 60% of people, she is now vaccinated.

"I had my second dose two days ago. But I'm lucky, it's because I'm a police officer," she explains. 

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But this is far from the case for everyone among the public that we find here.

"I don't think it makes much difference because people in their thirties like me haven't been vaccinated. If my parents were there it would be safer for them, but for us… I don't see the impact, "says Rachel's table neighbor. 

British scientists are therefore already announcing an imminent rebound in contamination.

Monday's figures are already the worst for April.