
Munich (dpa / lby) - Women in the public service in Bavaria earn an average of 234 euros less than men.

This emerges from the current report on equality between women and men.

Accordingly, the proportion of women in management positions has increased.

However, it is still below the proportion of women in the public service who are eligible for management positions.

Their share also decreases as the management level rises.

"The development is pointing in the right direction and the women have caught up a bit, but there is still a long way to go," said the women's policy spokeswoman for the SPD parliamentary group, Simone Strohmayr, on Monday.

Social Affairs Minister Carolina Trautner (CSU) will present the report to the state parliament on Tuesday.

According to the report, women make up almost 61 percent of the public administration.

But more than every second woman only works part-time, while for men it is only every fifth.


This means that not much has changed in part-time work since the last survey in 2014.

The SPD parliamentary group therefore sees part-time equality for women as the biggest construction site.

Because part-time work has an impact on careers and salaries.

According to the report, women who work part-time have fewer opportunities for management positions than women who work full-time.

While women and men, according to the survey, still have the same salary group at the beginning of their careers, this is lower for women from the age of 45 at the latest - and this difference remains until they retire.

The SPD parliamentary group is therefore calling for a reform of the Bavarian Equal Opportunities Act: the proportion of women in management positions should be increased to 50 percent and the equality officers should be strengthened.


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6. Report on equality between women and men