
Hamburg (dpa / lno) - In the process of the death of a Hamburg target investigator, the public prosecutor has demanded seven years' imprisonment for the accused.

According to the conviction of the prosecution, the 30-year-old was guilty of bodily harm resulting in death, said a court spokesman on Monday (Az. 601 Ks 5/20).

The criminal claim is also about other offenses that the accused are accused of, including driving without a license.

The 57-year-old officer was seriously injured in an arrest on February 25th last year in Hamburg-Lurup.

He died eight days after a head-on collision with the defendant's car in a hospital.

The officer and other investigators from Itzehoe had wanted to arrest the man who was wanted with three arrest warrants.

According to a court spokesman, the police had received a tip that the seller of an advertised car was the one wanted.

Thereupon the officials had expressed interest and agreed a fast food restaurant in Lurup as a meeting point.

When, contrary to expectations, the wanted man did not come into the restaurant, but stopped at a bus stop across the street, an Itzehoe officer jumped into the car through the open passenger door.

There was a scramble.

Meanwhile, the 30-year-old accelerated, turned over the four-lane Luruper Hauptstrasse and collided head-on with the target investigator's car.


The defense is to hold its plea in front of the criminal chamber at the regional court on Friday, the verdict could be announced on April 21.

© dpa-infocom, dpa: 210412-99-176196 / 3

Police notification from February 26th, 2020