- It means a lot to the trees that they can rest, says Håkan Karlsson who grows apples, among other things.

Dangerous with mild winters

In recent years, the winters have been mild, and it has been bad for the apples.

- Last year at this time the buds were much larger.

It's not good.

It has been flowering and freezing for three years in a row.

I do not like apples, says Håkan Karlsson, who believes that this winter's cold will make for a good apple year.

- We hope for a little later flowering this year.

They should not bloom until the fifth of May.

A lot can go wrong

However, he emphasizes that there is still a lot that can go wrong, and that it is not guaranteed that there will be a good apple season this year.

- For example, we do not want ten degrees below zero now.

Then it will not be good, he says.

In the video, you can see Håkan Karlsson's plantations with a view of Lake Ivösjön.